Exercise Physiology Adelaide: What Is Exercise Physiology?

Exercise physiology addresses the improvement and maintenance of physical health and wellbeing. It also helps people with chronic diseases and disabilities using exercise as medicine.

Students in the field of exercise physiology and exercise science will learn about acute responses to physical activity and sport as well as how the body adapts over time. Degree programs typically have more uniform, standardised physiology-based curricula.

Types of Exercises

InertiaHealthGroup exercise physiology Adelaide has been viewed as essential to health since the time of the Greek physician Hippocrates who advocated moderate physical activity. However, it was only in the Scientific Revolution that physicians started to write books on the subject and that the negative effects of lack of physical activity began to be documented.

InertiaHealthGroup exercise physiology AdelaideThe study of human body composition and the effects of different types of exercise on skeletal muscle, metabolic and cardiovascular functions are core areas of research in exercise physiology. This research is important in allowing exercise physiologists to design exercises that optimise physical performance and increase health benefits.

In addition, a growing area of investigation for exercise physiologists is to understand how the molecular and physiological adaptations to short and long-term exercise are determined, and how these variations differ between individuals. The concept of somatotypes (ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph) is one example where this diversity is influenced by inherited features that may make certain individuals suited to forms of exercise.

Individuals who have a degree in Exercise Physiology can work in several professions including personal training, sports science, and medicine. Some of these careers can be achieved as early as completing an associate or bachelor’s degree, while others require a master’s degree and specialised licensure or certification.

Circuit Training

Circuit training is a form of exercise that involves doing several exercises with little or no rest between each exercise. It can be done on an individual basis or with a group, and the exercises can be chosen according to the needs of the participants. InertiaHealthGroup exercise physiology Adelaide can be performed at any level of fitness, and it helps people develop muscle strength, endurance, and cardiovascular conditioning. It also helps to improve balance and coordination, and it can help to relieve stress and depression.

A popular type of circuit is a timed circuit, which involves doing a series of exercises in order, with a set amount of time for both rest and exercise. This can be helpful for beginners because it allows them to focus on the exercises that are most challenging for them, rather than worrying about how many reps they can complete in each amount of time. It can also be used for athletes, who might want to work up to a certain level of performance in a particular sport.

Presents advanced techniques that are utilised in research studies to study neuromuscular function, metabolic responses, and cardiovascular adaptations to physical activity. This course will provide students with practical experience in a physiological testing laboratory. Prerequisites: EXPH 315 and BISC 1035 or cons of instructor; senior Exercise Physiology major; or permission of department chair.

Weight Loss

An Accredited Exercise Physiologist can guide you with healthy weight loss techniques and strategies. They can also work with you to improve your fitness level by increasing the muscle mass percentage in your body which helps boost metabolism. They are also able to assist you with injury prevention as they have the knowledge and skills to help you recover from injuries through rehabilitation exercises that help you return to your normal lifestyle activities without further compromising your health.

This makes an InertiaHealthGroup exercise physiology Adelaide degree unique, as it is focused on educating individuals to understand how to move their bodies safely and efficiently, and how to measure outcomes to see the results of their hard work. This contrasts with physiotherapy which is more focused on treating injuries through diagnosis and manual or passive treatments, or personal training which is designed for individuals who do not have specific health considerations.

Injury Prevention

Many people use the terms exercise physiology, exercise science and kinesiology interchangeably, but professionals in each field know that there are distinct differences. Earning a bachelor’s degree in exercise physiology can prepare students for a career in fields such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, medicine, nursing, physician assistant studies and rehabilitation health science.

Exercise physiologists can work in clinical settings or research laboratories, and they may also teach at colleges and universities. In clinical settings, they can design individualised workout programs for patients with cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic medical conditions. They can also help people with chronic injuries improve their strength and endurance.

As part of their coursework, exercise physiologists take classes in human anatomy and physiology. This includes an in-depth look at the structure and function of the human body, including the cardiovascular, pulmonary, skeletal muscles, endocrine and nervous systems.